For some time, I have wanted to create a Notion companion mobile app to streamline some of my Notion workflows. At first I was waiting for the public API. That was finally released a few months ago in May 2021, and has been acquiring features at a steady pace ever since. So now the only problem is me procrastinating.
For every side project I start, I always try to choose the most exciting technologies. In work, you are often limited by legacy libraries, years of technological debt, and outdated coding practices set in stone. When I am coding outside of work I want to forget all this "inconvenient" reality, and just enjoy the best libraries & APIs I can.
Of course, this has its downside. New technologies are fun, and some of them might be paradigm-altering enough to warrant the investment you have to put into learning them, but beware of excessive tinkering. It can lead you down an unproductive rabbit hole, instead of creating actual output and working code. The following paragraphs are a testimony to that.
Since I have been working on a React Native (RN) project for a year at the time, I wanted to hone my skills further, and decided to use it for this side project too. Besides the proximity to my work life, RN offers several opportunities that I wanted to take advantage of:
In the spirit of trying new stuff out and saving time, I decided try using the Ignite boilerplate project. It was nice at first, I got to try out MST, which was interesting, I liked the cli tool for generating boilerplate code for stuff like components, MST state, UI screens. The nice thing about this cli for templating common code is it takes away a few “insignificant” choices you would otherwise have to make: where should I put this code? what is the common way to define this kind of component in this project? etc. . It also automatically enforces code style and guidelines you might want to follow.
But as it often goes with boilerplate projects, as I wanted to customise more stuff, I felt more and more "crowded". I was unsure if my changes will fit into the broader architecture of the boilerplate without investing significant amount of time to understand the inner workings of the existing code. Add in a few bugs and complex update process, and I was frustrated enough that I stopped working on the project for a while.
For a few months, I was inactive, slowly accumulating motivation until it finally reached a threshold where I had to act 😁. Right around that time, I bought the Galaxy Watch4 smartwatch, and thought "wouldn't it be nice if I could use the app directly from smartwatches". I looked around and found out that React Native by itself does not support Wear OS. There is the Renative project, which should support this use-case, but I did not feel comfortable adding yet another layer of abstraction to an already very abstraction heavy RN solution.
As I started to look into making a native Android app, I came across the new Jetpack Compose. With this new library, you can write declarative native Android UIs without touching XML. The whole time I was going through the tutorial and documentation, I was thinking: "this feels really familiar, this is like React in Kotlin!". You have composable functions (components in RN), you have state hoisting, you have coroutines (async
functions), you have CompositionLocal
). These are of course just summaries that I deduced after a quick read through the basic documentation, but the similarity is indisputable.
This was great, another nice new API to learn, brand new rabbit holes to go down into ... And round and round it goes ♾️.